b'AVEREES STORY CHRISTINAS STORYThe Healing Power of Art and Family The Recovery Journey Comes Full CircleAveree is a talented young artist adored by herThe pandemic was particularly challenging for those ingrandfather and proud adoptive father Robert. recovery from substance use, like Christina. With normalTheir bond has always been steady and strong,supports curtailed or eliminated, the recovery journeybut Averees prior home life was not. Growingcould have been a go-it-alone processexactly theup, she faced overwhelming obstacles in a opposite of what it should be.And Christina lived alone, traumatic home environment that left her heightening her feelings of isolation and depression.grappling with depression, PTSD, anddistressing challenges including life-So she reached out to her therapist, who referred her tothreatening behaviors and suicidal ideation. Connect2Recovery, at the time a brand new RiversideRobert has worked tirelessly to educate himselfprogram for those struggling with substance use which is and understand Averees experiences in order tooften complicated by mental illness. Christina was paired support her healing.with a Recovery Coach, Carol, an individual with her own lived experience to shareand Christina immediately sensed At Riverside, Averee developed impressive coping skills andthat Carol wholeheartedly believed in her. Carol encouragedI learned how to lookinsight into her mental health by working closely with herher with the idea that there are many individual pathways toMy coachextensive team, including intensive care coordinator Ariana,recovery and that there is no one correct approach. And the not through the lensfamily partner Vivian, in-home therapy clinical supervisoroption for telehealth, when it was difficult to go into an officebelieved inof a neighbor or aMozhdeh, and therapeutic mentor Myra. They encouragedfor therapy, ensured that support was uninterrupted. me and that family member, butAveree to use her artistic talent as an outlet for processingmade all thethrough the lens ofher emotions and experiences. In turn, young Averee oftenChristinas recovery was so successful that her coach difference.Averee.became the teacher, sharing drawing, painting, and exclaimed, You should work here! It was a great idea. Christina Robert sculpting techniques with her support team. Christina recently completed her masters degree in clinical mental health counseling and now works at Riverside as an And communication between daughter and her adoptiveoutreach coordinator and recovery coach herself, where she dad flourished as they transformed the family dining areafinds great fulfillment in helping others gain confidence and into an art studio, where Averee continues to learn morefind success as she did! about art and about herself, demonstrating the personal growth possible as Robert maintains his steadfastcommitment to her wellness.Riversides Child & Family Services offers over a dozen services including therapeutic assessment, Connect2Recovery offers support for people with mental health and/or substance use issues 6 treatment, and support for emotionally challenged children, adolescents, and their families. removing barriers and supporting multiple pathways to recovery. 7'