School Consulting & Training

Riverside offers a variety of consulting and training services to help teachers and caregivers get the support they need.


Partnerships with Schools

Riverside partners with public schools to provide students with mental health support, addiction treatment services, and youth suicide prevention education. We collaborate with school administrators, guidance counselors, teachers, and students to further enhance the school community by providing bullying and violence prevention trainings, depression screenings, and a wide array of services. 

School Trainings

Explore MindWise Innovation’s Training Library to find the right training for your school. We offer a variety of trainings on topics including but not limited to:

  • Suicide Prevention 
  • Postvention
  • Trauma-Informed Care
  • Psychological Safety

Preschool & Daycare Consulting

We provide consultation to preschool and daycare programs by offering support to caregivers of young children. We provide staff consultation, classroom management strategies, and staff trainings to enhance young children’s social and emotional development.

Newton Youth Outreach

Through Newton Youth Outreach (NYO), Riverside clinicians offer therapeutic behavioral healthcare to students, regardless of insurance, primarily onsite at Newton schools during a student’s free periods during the academic day. If school is not the best meeting place, arrangements for times and locations outside of school are possible.

NYO services differ from school counseling and are available to any student who lives or goes to school in Newton.

MindWise Innovations

We offer short-term, non-therapeutic clinical consulting services for individual school staff members, as well as structured and supportive coping groups for teams to process anxiety, stress, or exposure to trauma. Additionally, we teach healthy coping and healing strategies and connect staff to appropriate longer-term care solutions if required.

Our trained responders are also available to help schools through each stage of a crisis, including support for administrators and staff, creating an action plan, and delivering Psychological First Aid and Post-Traumatic Stress Management techniques.

Our Locations

Newton Youth Outreach

64 Eldredge Street
Newton MA 02458
Phone: 781-443-9419
Fax: 617-244-2507

MindWise Innovations

270 Bridge Street
Suite 205
Dedham MA 02026
Phone: (781) 239-0071

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Phone: (781) 329-0909
Fax: (781) 320-9136

270 Bridge Street Suite 301
Dedham MA, 02026