Family After-School Program

Riverside’s Family After-School Program offers a structured, therapeutic environment for children ages 6-12 in the Cambridge and Somerville areas who have faced challenges including neglect, homelessness, and trauma. With a focus on clinically intensive, trauma-informed services, the program helps children develop coping skills, self-expression, and peer relationships, while supporting family involvement through regular events and collaboration.


This Service is for…

  • Children ages 6-12 living in the Cambridge or Somerville areas who need support through a therapeutic after-school setting
  • Children with serious emotional concerns who have experienced challenges including but not limited to neglect, homelessness, abuse, and PTSD
  • Children in need of clinically intensive, trauma-informed services that aid with self-expression, stress management, and developing peer relationships

How to Access the Service

  • Program referrals are available through the Department of Children and Families (DCF) or the Department of Mental Health (DMH)

Insurance Info & Payment Options

  • No out-of-pocket costs

Helping Children Overcome Life’s Challenges

Riverside offers a structured, therapeutic after-school program for children ages 6-12 who have experienced various challenges, including but not limited to:

  • Neglect 
  • Homelessness 
  • Abuse
  • Trauma-related and neurodevelopmental diagnoses such as PTSD or ADHD 

The primary goal of the Family After-School Program is to prevent hospitalization or out-of-home placement for youth who require therapeutic services and cannot attend a traditional after-school setting.

We provide clinically intensive, trauma-informed services so children can learn to express themselves and gain coping skills to help them thrive. We offer individual services, group activities like art and movement therapy, trauma-informed care, and a space for discussing complex topics while building peer relationships.

Family Support Drives Youth Well-Being

Our philosophy is that “a child cannot be treated apart from their family, nor can the family be treated apart from the larger community.” Family support and collaboration are integral to children’s success, and to enhance those connections, we hold monthly events such as movie nights, art celebrations, regular youth advisory meetings, and family forums.

Hours of Operation

The Family After-School Program is typically open weekdays from 2:30-5:30 pm during the school year. Transportation is provided from school and can also be arranged at the end of the day; a child would be home by 6:15 pm. During the summer, our hours are 1:00- 4:30 pm.

Family After School Program Location

Family After School Program

117 Summer Street
Somerville MA 02143
Phone: 617-420-5434
Fax: 617-547-4356
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270 Bridge Street Suite 301
Dedham MA, 02026