It’s so brave of Diane and Mark to share their thoughts on living with mental illness and I appreciate their willingness to explain their experience at our Psychiatric Day Treatment program in Newton. Their stories are important and sharing them makes an impact on fighting stigma.

Our Psychiatric Day Treatment Programs help individuals with serious psychiatric conditions remain out of the hospital, thrive in their daily lives, and integrate effectively into their community. We provide a highly structured therapeutic program in a compassionate environment. This combination offers participants a unique opportunity to achieve recovery despite stigma and fear, histories of trauma, comorbid substance use disorders, and other significant clinical challenges.

Mark and Diane both felt isolated and stigmatized before arriving at our Psychiatric Day Treatment program. They use their time at the program to work with peers and staff on symptom management, assertiveness training, self-esteem and more.  I think you’ll be as impressed as I was with their stories. Click here to watch the video.

~Scott M. Bock, Founder and President/CEO