Our Latest Video.

The services a person struggling with mental illness needs can be as unique as the person themselves. That is why at Riverside we offer Community Based Flexible Supports (CBFS). CBFS is a program offering unique, flexible, and supportive services for adults living with mental illness.

We collaborate with individuals; assess their needs such as: education and employment support, wellness services, housing support, clinical treatment, and more. We develop custom plans that truly meet the individual’s goals—providing support in the home, at work, in programs, and in the local community with a skilled support team. The focus of Community Based Flexible Supports is to promote resiliency and recovery. And, it works.

In our latest videos, we invite you to learn more about Community Based Flexible Supports and follow Lisa’s story as she shares her experience with the Riverside CBFS team. I think Lisa sums it up perfectly when she says CBFS gave her, “Hope that life could be different.” We are so thankful to her for sharing with us. I hope you are as moved and inspired as I am.

~Scott M. Bock, Founder and President/CEO