Youth & Families
Home-Based Services
Riverside clinicians visit the homes of children with emotional and behavioral difficulties or severe mental health needs to help them overcome life’s challenges. We support the whole family, including parents, caregivers, and other children, with tools to manage crises or support a specific goal on the child’s behavioral treatment plan, such as improving social, interpersonal, problem-solving, or daily living skills.

In-Home Family Therapy
Expert Assistance from the Comfort of Your own Home
Our goal is to help children and their families stabilize the immediate situation and develop a long-term plan to manage potential future crises. We work to support families and prevent any out-of-home placement of children. Our clinicians also teach parents how to identify, access, and navigate through school systems, social services, and other community resources.
Supporting the Whole Family
Riverside’s In-Home Family Therapy program addresses the emotional and behavioral difficulties faced by youth (up to age 21) while simultaneously working to improve family dynamics. We provide personalized strategies to promote the child’s healthy behavior at home, in the community, and at school. This program supports the whole family, including parents, caregivers, and siblings who may be affected, by providing them with tools to better cope with and manage crises.
Our skilled in-home clinicians are trained in crisis intervention, clinical assessment, and treatment. Clinicians maintain small caseloads to ensure focused attention on each family and often meet directly in the family’s home. We provide one-to-one support to assist with daily living, social interactions, and communication skills.
Our Expertise
Our clinicians have extensive experience in many areas, including:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Trauma
- School Refusal
- LGBTQ+ and Transgender Identity
- Separation and Divorce
- Death of a Loved One
- Attachment
- Difficult School Behaviors
- Opposition and Aggressive Outbursts
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
- Adoption
In-Home Family Therapy Location

“I like how goal-oriented my sessions with my therapist are. She’s very helpful in determining what I can work on and making sure I’m supported.”
– Jasmine H.
Intensive Community Services/FIRST
Strengthening Families & Restoring Stability
Our Intensive Community Services support families with a child or adolescent experiencing serious mental health needs. We offer care through the Intensive Community Services and the Family Intensive Reunification and Stabilization (FIRST) Team. These programs provide similar supports but differ based on which state agency handles the referral.
Intensive Community Services Help Build Connections
The Intensive Community Services (ICS) team provides in-home intensive clinical care management and treatment for children with severe emotional disturbances who are at risk for out-of-home placement. ICS works with youth and their families to coordinate supports within the community, including schools, hospitals, religious institutions, and community agencies. Our goal is to help families identify, strengthen, and enhance support systems that will assist the long-term sustainability and success of the child.
Family Intensive Reunification and Stabilization Team
The Family Intensive Reunification and Stabilization Team (FIRST) aims to significantly reduce or eliminate the amount of time children with severe emotional disturbances spend in out-of-home placement (such as hospitals or institutions). We accomplish this goal by partnering with families and community providers to divert placement or accelerate the reunification process. FIRST provides home-based clinical care coordination, including:
- One-on-one support for family members
- Family work
- Case management services
- Brief respite
Intensive Community Services Location
Therapeutic Mentoring
Youth Therapeutic Mentoring: Personalized Growth & Support
Therapeutic Mentoring consists of individualized, one-to-one mentoring sessions between a Therapeutic Mentor and a child or teen. These sessions support a specific goal on the child’s behavioral treatment plan, such as developing social skills, interpersonal skills, problem-solving strategies, or daily living skills. Mentoring sessions occur in the child or teen’s home or another community setting.
Therapeutic Mentoring gives children and teens the opportunity to build skills through experiences that naturally occur in their everyday lives. To help the child develop a specified skill, their Therapeutic Mentor works to model, educate, motivate, and coach them on how to use this new ability.
What is a Therapeutic Mentor?
Therapeutic Mentors have an array of skills to help children and teenagers build on their strengths. They work closely with a licensed clinician and collaborate with the child’s family and clinical team to achieve a specific skill-building goal. Therapeutic Mentors create a positive relationship with the youth they work with to achieve goals through creative learning experiences. Additionally, they work with the child to provide their family with feedback on their progress and the skills they are practicing. Therapeutic Mentors can also collaborate with the family when implementing these strategies at home.
Examples of Skills That May Need to be Developed Include:
- Perceived competency
- Building interpersonal skills
- Finding and engaging positive peers
- Positive family relationships
- A sense of belonging
- Finding and identifying natural mentors
- Asking for and receiving help
- Positive expectations for the future
Therapeutic Mentoring Location
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