Developmental Disabilities & Autism

At Riverside, we offer a variety of supports for adults with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and autism. We support these individuals as they learn daily living skills, develop meaningful relationships, and become part of their communities. Through a variety of supports, we help them advocate for their needs and live full lives.

24/7 Residences


This Service is for…

  • Adults ages 18 and over with autism, intellectual/developmental disabilities, or brain injury
  • Adults with disabilities seeking 24/7 residential care

How to Access the Service

  • Referral through the Department of Developmental Services
  • All participants must be eligible for DDS services

Insurance Info & Payment Options

  • No insurance needed
  • Those approved for services are responsible for charges for care

Our Group Homes

Our 32 group homes in eastern Massachusetts are staffed 24/7 and provide a framework for supporting individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, autism, or acquired brain injury as they learn daily living skills, develop meaningful relationships, and become valued members of their communities.

We provide homes in residential neighborhoods where people contribute to the community in which they live. Each residence has been designed or renovated to meet the needs of the individuals, with 3-4 people living in their own bedrooms with shared common areas. Residents are encouraged to decorate their rooms and socialize with housemates. Staff works with each person to get them involved in their community through daily activities, work, and volunteer opportunities.

Employees are available 24/7, and our staffing is adjusted to meet the needs of the individuals we serve. Staff assist with daily living activities and act as coaches and mentors for residents – encouraging safe skill development, community participation, and social activities.

24/7 Residences Location

Riverside Residential Services – Administrative Office

270 Bridge Street
Suite 301
Dedham MA 02026
Phone: 781-329-0909
Fax: 781-407-0893

Shared Living


This Service is for…

  • Adults 22+ with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, autism, or acquired brain injury
  • Welcoming individuals or families interested in providing long-term, in-home placement for an adult with disabilities
  • Adults with disabilities seeking meaningful relationships, community connections, and found family

How to Access the Service

  • Complete this form to begin your journey as a Shared Living Provider
  • See contact information below

Insurance Info & Payment Options

  • Adults with disabilities participate in Shared Living by paying a percentage of their income to join the program
  • Riverside provides caregivers with a tax-free stipend

Sharing Your Home & Your Heart

Our Shared Living program matches adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism, or acquired brain injury with welcoming individuals or families in their community for long-term, in-home placement. The goal is to have the provider family integrate the individual into their home and community life. Riverside is there every step of the way to support both the individual and the family.

We are committed to the philosophy that individuals with disabilities thrive when they are able to live in a family home. Over time, these new family members develop meaningful relationships and learn to be independent and active members of their community. This model enriches the lives of all who are involved.

Interested in becoming a Shared Living provider or caregiver?

We’d love to have you join us! Riverside will provide you with a tax-free stipend, and ongoing support and training.

We ask that you have:

  • Satisfactory background check
  • Valid driver’s license and reliable transportation
  • Experience in human services and advocating for people with developmental disabilities – preferred but not required

Complete this form to begin your journey as a Shared Living Provider.

Marty and Nancy’s Shared Living Story

Brochures, Flyers, & Forms

Shared Living Location

Shared Living

595 Pleasant Street
Norwood MA 02026
Phone: 781-762-8539

Individual Support Program


This Service is for…

  • Adults 22+  with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, autism, or acquired brain injury
  • Adults with disabilities who are able to live on their own with support provided based on their individual needs

How to Access the Service

  • Contact the individual’s Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDS) service coordinator

Insurance Info & Payment Options

  • No insurance needed
  • No out-of-pocket costs, individuals pay their own room and board

New Avenues to Develop Independence

Our Individual Support program offers home and community supports for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, autism, or acquired brain injury who live in their own homes or apartments. Our goal is to help these adults thrive while living independently. We develop individualized plans, support skill development, and help people served learn about their surrounding community.

Individual support plans are flexible and tailored to each individual, and can include assistance with:

  • Tasks of daily living like grocery shopping
  • Budgeting and managing money
  • Coordinating appointments and attending medical visits
  • Arranging leisure time activities and trips

Information about eligibility and referral to the Individual Support program can be obtained by contacting the individual’s Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDS) service coordinator.

Individual Support Program Locations

Riverside Individual Support

595 Pleasant Street
Norwood MA 02062
Phone: 781-762-8539

Riverside Individual Support

297 Park Street
North Reading MA 01864
Phone: 978-664-2342

Riverside Behavioral Treatment Services


This Service is for…

  • Adults 22+ with acquired brain injury, intellectual/developmental disabilities, or autism

How to Access the Service

  • Referrals are made through an individual’s Service Coordinator at the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) area office.

Insurance Info & Payment Options

  • Most insurance accepted.

Integrated, Compassionate Care

Riverside’s Behavioral Treatment Services help individuals and their care providers advocate for themselves and take part in their mental healthcare. We accomplish this by offering behavior therapy, counseling, and psychiatry in the communities where the people we serve work and live. Our integrated services enable improved care coordination and collaboration among clinicians, the individual, and their support network. Through this model, we can observe and treat behavioral symptoms and teach new skills in the individual’s preferred environment.

Our Expertise:

  • Communication Disorders
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Our Approach

Our multi-disciplined team works closely together to ensure continuity of care and a timely flow of information. After an evaluation, a Behavioral Treatment Services Clinician will regularly meet with the person served to provide ongoing therapy and care management. Our clinicians can treat each individual wherever it is convenient, whether in our offices or at the person’s home, residential, or day program.

A Behavioral Analyst may develop an individualized behavioral treatment plan to set goals and objectives. They also provide behavioral management training when needed. Our team psychiatrist then uses this information to manage the individual’s medications.

Behavioral Treatment Services Locations

Riverside Behavioral Treatment Services

64 Eldredge Street
Newton MA 02458
Phone: 781-769-4143
Fax: 781-769-6717

“My son is living on his own for the first time in his life. And he’s getting the support that would have fallen on me and caused a regression in his independence.”

– Mary S. (Shared Living Family Member)

Family Support Center


This Service is for…

  • Adults and children with autism or intellectual/developmental disabilities living with their families
  • Young adults who need support transitioning to adulthood
  • Additional services are available to DDS-eligible families in the Central Middlesex Area

How to Access the Service


Insurance Info & Payment Options

  • There are no out-of-pocket costs for families, though certain classes and programs may require a small payment.

Specialized Services Tailored to Your Family’s Needs

Our Family Support Center serves adults and children with autism and intellectual or developmental disabilities who live with their families. Supports include respite care, recreational activities, adaptive equipment provision, skill training, and specialized staff support.

Family Support Center Location

Riverside Family Support Center

6 Lincoln Knoll Lane
Suite 103
Burlington MA 01803
Phone: 978-655-3801

Family Leadership Program


This Service is for…

  • Families in the DDS Metro or Northeast Area
  •  Families of children with disabilities seeking resources and support to advocate at the state level for members with disabilities
  • Families of children with disabilities seeking best care practices, comprehensive trainings, and support for members with disabilities

How to Access the Service

  • See contact information at the bottom of the page

Insurance Info & Payment Options

  • No out-of-pocket costs 
  • No insurance necessary
  • Free of charge

Empowering Families Through Mentoring & Advocacy

Riverside’s Family Leadership Program offers education, leadership training, and mentoring to families caring for children and adults with disabilities. Families of individuals with disabilities develop our training and mentoring programs to empower other families and their loved ones as they engage in community life.

The Family Leadership Program serves two regions – Metro and Northeast – with activities and opportunities tailored to local needs as described below. Both areas offer an annual Family Leadership Series, which is designed to:

  • Offer information about “best practices” for people with disabilities
  • Help families create a vision for their loved ones and a process to achieve their goals
  • Develop family leaders who can advocate at the local and state levels to improve the lives of people with disabilities

We encourage people with family members of any age and disability eligible for services from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to participate in our programs – free of charge!

Family Leadership Program – DDS Regions and Activities

Metro: For families in the Greater Boston, Charles River West, Middlesex West, and Newton/South Norfolk DDS areas. We partner with MassFamilies, a statewide, grassroots coalition to support individuals and families.

In addition to the Family Leadership Series, the Metro region provides trainings in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, including our regularly scheduled Advocacy Bootcamp for primary caregivers of young children (birth to age 10) with developmental disabilities, chronic illnesses, and/or complex medical needs. Advocacy Bootcamp focuses on building foundational advocacy skills so participants can empower their children to lead rich and meaningful lives.

Northeast: Supports families in the Merrimack Valley, North Shore, Lowell, Central Middlesex, and Metro North DDS areas.  The Northeast region offers the annual Family Leadership Series and provides trainings including Charting the Life Course – a framework created to help individuals and families of all ages and abilities develop a vision for a good life, find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live; along with Advanced Family LeadershipAdvocacy Roundtables, and more.

For news, updates, and more information, complete this form.

Not sure which regional program serves your community? Check out this DDS interactive map tool.

Family Leadership Program Locations

Northeast Family Leadership Program

Maryann Welch
Program Director
Phone: 781-645-9577

Metro Family Leadership Program

Lauri Medeiros
Program Director
Phone: 617-605-7404
Riverside's Newsletter

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Phone: (781) 329-0909
Fax: (781) 320-9136

270 Bridge Street Suite 301
Dedham MA, 02026