Behavioral Health Community Partners

Riverside Community Partners is a Behavioral Health Community Partner (BH CP) that collaborates with Accountable Care Organizations, Managed Care Organizations, and other providers to ensure better-coordinated care for enrollees. Enrollees get assistance navigating the entire system of care, including medical, behavioral health, social, and long-term supports and services.


This Service is for…

  • Adults, children, families, and organizations seeking assistance navigating the entire behavioral healthcare system, including long-term supports and services.
  • People with significant behavioral health challenges or complex medical needs living in Greater Boston, the Metrowest area, Blackstone Valley, North Shore, or Southeastern MA.   
  • People seeking assistance developing a personalized Care Plan, accessing sustainable housing, using SNAP benefits, and more.

How to Access the Service

  • For more information, visit
  • Referrals can be made by anyone, including the person seeking support, a primary care or behavioral health provider, case management agencies, or a hospital or health center

Insurance Info & Payment Options

  • This no-cost program is for eligible MassHealth members referred by their providers or current case management agencies. Participation is voluntary.
  • Individuals who receive services in the Department of Mental Health’s Adult Community Clinical Services (ACCS) are also eligible for services.


Over 2,200 MassHealth members have enrolled in Riverside Community Partners based on their geography, primary care physician, and existing healthcare affiliations. 

This no-cost program is for eligible MassHealth members referred by their providers or current case management agencies. Participation is voluntary.

Trusted providers in the Riverside Community Partners BH CP include teams from

  • Bay State Community Services
  • The Edinburg Center
  • North Suffolk Mental Health Association
  • Upham’s Corner Health Center
  • Riverside Community Care

The service area includes towns and cities in the North Shore, Greater Boston, the City center, and the Blackstone and Merrimack Valley regions.

To learn more about Riverside Community Partners, visit the website:

Our Locations

Riverside Community Partners BH CP

6 Kimball Lane
Suite 301
Lynnfield MA 01940
Phone: 781-619-5000
Riverside's Newsletter

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Phone: (781) 329-0909
Fax: (781) 320-9136

270 Bridge Street Suite 301
Dedham MA, 02026