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Support for the City of Newton

In the wake of the heartbreaking suicides of three Newton teenagers, the City of Newton has turned to experts at the Riverside Trauma Center to help students, parents, and community members cope with these tragic losses. Riverside clinicians, highly trained in trauma response and suicide prevention, are providing counseling services, performing suicide prevention… read more >


Ages and Stages: Parenting Education for Fathers

The Guidance Center’s Meeting Place has recently rolled out a program allowing fathers, of any Guidance Center clients, the opportunity to speak with one another and better understand the ages, stages, and needs of their children. This short term educational group provides concrete educational opportunities for fathers to increase their capabilities to build re… read more >


Junior Ambassadors

The Guidance Center recently launched a Junior Ambassadors program – the purpose of the program is to engage children in the mission of The Guidance Center and give them a hands-on opportunity to support some of the families we serve. The first event took place on February 6th with a successful total of 16 attendees. The night kicked off with a presentation by … read more >


Donor Recognition Event

On February 4th, Riverside held a donor recognition event at the MIT Endicott House in Dedham, recognizing those who have made Riverside and The Guidance Center a philanthropic priority. Some of our most generous supporters enjoyed breakfast and got an exclusive look at the critical services provided by the Riverside Trauma Center after the Boston Marathon traged… read more >


Developmental & Cognitive Services

We have begun a new era – greatly expanding our services for people who have both an intellectual/developmental disability and challenging behavior.  Over the next few months we are ramping up a new Behavioral Treatment Service (BTS) in Wakefield based on our long-standing program located in Norwood.  These programs offer specialized clinical and support serv… read more >


Employment Collaborative Expansion

Amazing! We are rapidly expanding our efforts to find employment for people with disabilities. This was a surprising outcome for a project that worked so well but faced loss of funding. Four years ago we started something called the Central MA Employment Collaborative. It helped find employment for people with many different disabilities by bringing together a… read more >


Local Residents Win Stone Hearth Pizza Top Chef Competition to Benefit Riverside Community Care

NEEDHAM, MA (January 2014) –Tracy Driscoll of Dedham and Sally Kane of Needham were the winning team in a recent Top Chef Competition held at Stonehearth Pizza, Needham, to benefit Riverside Community Care. The competition featured seven teams of local amateur chefs who were tasked with creating their own unique pizza featuring the ingredients of Stonehearth Pi… read more >


A Note from a Neighbor

This is a first! You can’t imagine my delight when last week we received a note from a neighbor complimenting us on some recent work we had done on one of residential homes – and wanted a referral to the contractor (which is not a contractor, but our phenomenal facilities department). Not everyone is comfortable having a “group home” in their neighborhood… read more >


Car Dealer Plays Santa Claus to Mental Health Charity

What a fantastic Boston Globe column written by Adrian Walker! As seen in the December 16, 2013 issue: “In his three decades at the helm of Riverside Community Care, Scott Bock has been fortunate to run across a lot of people looking to do good. But he’d never gotten a call quite like the one from Kevin Meehan a couple of weeks ago. Meehan was calling, … read more >


Light Up the Holidays 2013

In order to ensure that the people we serve have a joyful holiday season, we began Light up the Holidays over 15 years ago. For all these years, we have provided the children and adults served by Riverside with what may be their only gift of the season. Each year I find myself amazed as hundreds of toys and gift cards pile up in our conference room. This year we … read more >