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Riverside Shared Living Expansion

Riverside’s Shared Living Program has been around for a long time, with several Specialized Home Care Providers reaching their 20 year anniversaries providing a home for individuals with disabilities. Their wonderful reputation is allowing this program to expand across the state, recruiting families and individuals to open their homes and lives to people who wi… read more >



The Guidance Center’s PEACE CAMP, operated out of the A.D. Healey Elementary School in Somerville, is in its 6th year. Camp is being enjoyed by 30 campers this summer! PEACE CAMP serves girls and boys from Cambridge and Somerville, ages 6-12, and is geared towards children who have been identified as individuals who are vulnerable to bullying either as targe… read more >


Survivors of Suicide Loss Task Force

Riverside Trauma Center’s Director, Larry Berkowitz, EdD , played a large role in the publishing of the National Guidelines For Responding To Grief,Trauma And Distress After Suicide in May.  In 2010, The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, a public-private partnership, was created to advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. Over the … read more >


We Remember Dan Meltzer, Former Board Chair of The Guidance Center, a Service of Riverside Community Care

Many of us connected to the Cambridge community find ourselves thinking about Dan Meltzer, former Board Chair of The Guidance Center, who was beloved by all who served with him.  He passed away on May 24th. Dan played a critical role as the leader of The Guidance Center board during a dynamic period of growth.  He raised public awareness of the organization's… read more >


Our New Riverside Trauma Center Website is Now Live!

The Riverside Trauma Center is a service of Riverside Community Care and is based in Needham, MA.  Our skilled staff provide community outreach, consultation, and counseling to help individuals, schools, communities and organizations recover from the overwhelming stress caused by traumatic events.  These traumatic events can occur anywhere across Massachusetts … read more >


Advocate Now for Community Based Services!

We are making significant gains in our efforts to advocate for community-based services.  And, for the first time in many years, we are not having to fight to maintain our present level of services.  The Baker administration and the legislature have been partners in maintaining and building community-based services. There are only three significant issues, w… read more >


Diversity Committee

Riverside’s Diversity Committee is working to increase discussion about diversity across the organization. After considering many open discussion approaches, the committee embraced a concept called “Peacemaking Circles” as a tool to enhance our discussions. The Peacemaking Circle is a method of communication that ensures each person involved in discussio… read more >


Riverside Program of Assertive Community Treatment

We are proud to announce the implementation of a new program, the Riverside Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT). The program provides an array of clinical, rehabilitative, and recovery-oriented services for adults with challenging and persistent problems related to psychiatric illnesses, who have not responded to more traditional services.  Our commu… read more >


Advocacy Works!

On May 5th, the Collaborative, the group composed of four trade organizations that represent community-based healthcare and human services, reached agreement with the Commonwealth to ensure fair and adequate rates for state contracts.  The Baker Administration worked hard with the Collaborative to find a fair resolution following January’s Superior Court rulin… read more >


Riverside’s 24th Annual Appreciation Evening

Newton, MA-Riverside Community Care celebrated its 24th Annual Appreciation Evening at the Marriott Hotel on Monday May 11th. Over 500 people attended to honor persons served, Friends of Riverside and employees whose accomplishments reflect the potential of the Riverside community. Persons served were honored for their accomplishments in recovery, whether it b… read more >