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School Consulting & Training

Riverside partners with public schools to provide students with mental health and addiction treatment support. We collaborate with school administrators, guidance counselors, teachers, and students to further enhance the school community by providing bullying and violence prevention training, depression screenings, and a wide array of mental health and addiction treatment services. We currently provide consultation, treatment services (including individual and group therapy), and home-based services within the Newton and Somerville public schools. In each school, our team strives to help students gain perspective and focus on conflict resolution skills.

Additionally, we consult with preschool and daycare programs to support caregivers of young children. We offer staff consultation, classroom management strategies, and staff training about young children’s social and emotional development.

Newton Youth Outreach

Through Newton Youth Outreach (NYO), Riverside clinicians offer therapeutic behavioral healthcare to students, regardless of insurance, primarily onsite at Newton schools during a student’s free periods during the academic day. If school is not the best meeting place, arrangements for times and locations outside of school are possible.

NYO services differ from school counseling, and are available to any student who lives or goes to school in Newton. Click the link below to access the downloadable referral form.

Referral Form

To view our downloadable Newton Youth Outreach flyer, click the image below.