One of our five value statements at Riverside is “excellence must be a guiding force in everything we do.” As part of this commitment to excellence, each year we survey those we serve to learn what we are doing well, as well as what we can do better and where we can grow. The surveys are anonymous and administered electronically.
I’m very pleased to report that respondents gave Riverside a top-level satisfaction rating of 98% across all programs. The Children and Family Services division received a 99.1% satisfaction rate and programs within this division – Early Intervention, LifeSkills/Riverside School, and Meeting Place – received 100% satisfaction scores!
Not only do we ask questions about overall satisfaction, but we are particularly interested to learn if people feel respected, no matter their background, and are active members of their treatment plan. We’re pleased that we received very high scores in these areas as well.
While these surveys are an important opportunity for input and a valuable way to quantify results, we encourage everyone we serve to have open dialogues with staff members and program directors throughout the year.
We are thankful that the hard work and dedication of the Riverside community is recognized.
~Scott M. Bock, Founder and President/CEO
Comments from the surveys:
- “I really like that I have people I feel comfortable with and that I’ve built a bond with. They have really helped me a lot.” – Community Service Agency Client
- “It’s a nice place to socialize – it is a good home away from home.” – Clubhouse Member
- “I love how user-friendly the program is, with services coming to our house and the providers taking such care with our son.” –Early Intervention Parent
- “The staff is very caring and supportive.” –Resident, Cognitive & Developmental Disability Program
- “This program has helped me so much. It has improved my life. The staff are so helpful and there is a sense of community and friendship with other peers.” – Day Treatment Client
- “I developed great computer skills. I have made a great recovery from my mental illness.” – Clubhouse Member
- “There’s always someone with an open ear when I need it. Whenever I have a problem in life, the staff makes every effort to help in any way. This place is a blessing!” – Clubhouse Member
- “The program has enriched my life in so many ways. I have my good days and my bad days but I keep striving on.” -Outpatient Client
- “My therapist is compassionate and patient. She allows me to set goals, pacing and timing of appointments. The offices are also warm and welcoming.” -Outpatient Client
- “The staff made me feel right at home and were there to help me. They moved me toward my treatment goals to move forward.” – Life Skills Participant