Our staff is made up of many experts in their fields. In fact, Tom Hall, our Assistant Vice President for Clinical Services in our Developmental and Cognitive Services Division, and Ron Allen, our Regional Director of Behavioral Treatment Services, recently hosted workshops at The Brian Injury Association of MA 35th Annual Brain Injury Conference. The conference has provided a venue for professionals, survivors and family members to gather and discuss the challenges facing them, and learn about new developments in the brain injury field. Together, they presented two workshops, the first on the topic of “Pre-frontal Cortex and Emotional Control Following  Acquired Brain Injury (ABI),” a workshop for professionals. The second was on “Working with Challenging Behavior following ABI,” a workshop for anyone interested in developing positive behavior support plans for people recovering from acquired brain injury.

We have recently expanded our programs to provide residential support to those with both traumatic and acquired brain injuries. In these safe, home-like environments our staff support employment or volunteer opportunities for the residents, as well as help individuals reacquire skills from all aspects of life following these injuries. We help residents realize their own individual potential while becoming fully integrated members of the community and provide clinical services when needed through our Behavioral Treatment Services.

Our Behavioral Treatment mobile resource and treatment team offers consultation to individuals in our residential support programs and others. Our clinical staff provides assessment, therapy, and medication services. We are proud of our efforts to expand services to those with an acquired brain injury. The conference had over 700 attendees and we’re thrilled that our resident experts were able to share their vast knowledge in this area.

~Scott M. Bock, Founder and President/CEO