Riverside’s Shared Living Program has been around for a long time, with several Specialized Home Care Providers reaching their 20 year anniversaries providing a home for individuals with disabilities. Their wonderful reputation is allowing this program to expand across the state, recruiting families and individuals to open their homes and lives to people who will enjoy life with one of these families. Recently our staff recruited Specialized Home Care Providers in Lowell and Tyngsborough. They have also been reached out to by the Department of Developmental Services in Lowell to continue expansion, as well as by the Metro West area office.  Eventually Riverside’s Shared Living coverage will grow from 8 to 27 cities and towns.

Riverside Shared Living’s expansion is taking place under the guidance of one of our Annual Appreciation Evening Awardees, Holly Pyne. Holly is the Director of Riverside Shared Living and having been a Specialized Home Care Provider herself, understands the challenges and rewards this commitment brings. She provides skillful and compassionate support to the people served, staff, and Home Care Providers alike, leading to successful and long term placements, even for people who have a history of difficult behaviors or medical challenges. We are so pleased with the amazing difference that Holly and Riverside Shared Living make in the lives of the people we serve and we look forward to the coming expansion.

~Scott M. Bock, Founder/President/CEO