We are making significant gains in our efforts to advocate for community-based services. And, for the first time in many years, we are not having to fight to maintain our present level of services. The Baker administration and the legislature have been partners in maintaining and building community-based services.
There are only three significant issues, which we are listing below, and encouraging you to advocate for through a phone call or a personal email. Any advocacy needs to be completed by Friday the 12th at noon. The people we serve count on us to advocate for them and our success has meant steady improvements in funding. Since the legislature is presently in Conference Committee, it is best that you contact the members of that committee who are listed below. You can also let your local legislators know that these issues matter to you and the people you serve.
Early Intervention
Please request support for the Senate funding level of $28.4M and the Senate language for Early Intervention DPH Line Item 4513-1020. This will provide necessary funding for Early Intervention Programs which are experiencing an increase in enrollment. Riverside has two EI programs.
Mass Health/Medicaid
Please request support for the Senate appropriation and language for an outpatient rate increase which will help ensure access to community-based mental health and addiction treatment. This is Line Item 4000-0500. This will provide needed funding to increase rates for our Outpatient Services. Riverside operates seven outpatient centers.
Department of Developmental Services
Please request support for the Senate funding level for Respite and Family Support. This will maintain level funding for both and provide additional funding for some additional services for families on waiting lists. This is Line Item 5920-3005. Riverside provides Family Support services.
Senate Conference Committee Members:
Karen Spilka, Chair Ways and Means – Karen.spilka@masenate.gov or 617-722-1640
Sal DiDomenico, Vice Chair – Sal.DiDomenico@masenate.gov or 617-722-1650
Vinny deMadeco, Ranking Minority Member Vinny.deMacedo@masenate.gov or 617-722-1330
House Conference Committee Members:
Brian Dempsey, Chair Ways and Means brian.dempsey@mahouse.gov or 617-722-2990
Stephen Kulik, Vice chair Stephen.kulik@mahouse.gov or 617-722-2380
Todd Smola, Ranking Minority Member Todd.smola@mahouse.gov or 617-722-2100
Thank you in advance for your efforts.
~Scott M. Bock, Founder/President/CEO