On June 19th I had the pleasure of attending the formal “launch” of the first brain injury certification program in Europe, held in Dublin, Ireland. Over the past three years members of the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS) and the community-based brain injury provider Acquired Brain Injury-Ireland (ABI-I) have collaborated to bring this U.S. certification to Ireland. ACBIS is a standing board of the Brain Injury Association of America, and I chair their international committee. The trip, including touring one of ABI-I’s homes, where I helped select fresh eggs from their chicken coop! Tea and home-made scones awaited on the kitchen table, served by the individuals who live in that cozy cottage. The launch ceremony was attended by Ireland’s Minister of Mental Health, Disability, and Equality, Kathleen Lynch as well as other brain injury ‘carers’ (as they’re called over there). Riverside has been a terrific supporter of this effort and I look forward to certifying our ABI staff as well. Next stop…the UK, where the program should be ready later this summer!
Guest Blogger – Tom Hall, Associate Division Director for Clinical Services, Developmental and Cognitive Services